
How to Find Your Perfect Real Estate Agent

When you're making a life decision as consequential as buying a home, you want to make sure you have an expert by your side. But not just any expert will do. Take the time to find someone who is perfectly suited for you. Follow these three steps to find that perfect agent. 

Step One: Limit Your Search to Realtors®

When it comes to real estate representation, Realtors® are the gold standard. To find the best agent, you’ll want to limit your search to agents with this designation. A good place to start is, where you’ll find detailed profiles of Realtors® in your area or the area you want to buy or sell. If you’re using another method to search, such as word-of-mouth recommendation, just keep an eye out for the title “Realtor®” or the blue NAR logo to ensure they are held to higher ethical standards. But don’t stop here! This is a great first step, but that hardly narrows your search down enough for an easy selection. With two million Realtors® in the country, you still have a vast pool to choose from. 

Step Two: Research and Online Vetting

By now, you’ll have a handful of local Realtors® who are qualified and ethical, but “good enough” isn’t so. Take some extra time and make an informed decision. Don’t trust that the agent who was great for your friend will work well for you, don’t pick the first Realtor® that comes up in a search and don’t just choose a welcoming face either. Search for follow-up details: how much experience do they have, what price range do they prefer to work in, do they have any specializations or advanced designations that could help you, do they stay up-to-date on industry news and market trends? Check out our list of the top six best qualities in a Realtor®. Pick a few promising leads and move to step three.   

Step Three: Meet up and Ask Questions

Now that you have an agent in mind, reach out to express your interest in real estate and working together. If you like how they respond, ask them to meet up (if they haven’t already). Even the most qualified professional may not be the right choice for you. This is an important step, so be sure you take the time to meet up to test your chemistry and ask follow-up questions. You may want to know how many clients they are working with at the moment and perhaps you want to see references from past clients. You might ask questions about the local market or their experience working in your desired area. As you ask questions, be sure to also look beyond the answers for a gut feeling and make sure you feel like you “click” with this person before making your decision. This may be someone you want to work with, but don’t hesitate to meet up with other Realtors® before making a final choice.
