
Industry Partners

Join our powerful community and leverage premier resources to grow your business.

As a DMAR Industry Partner, you will benefit from unique networking and professional development opportunities. Your membership's value depends on your engagement—participate in our committees, programs and networking events to maximize your contacts and expand your business.

Your annual investment funds these exclusive benefits:

  • Online Directory Profile: Be featured in our Industry Partner Directory.
  • Guest Blog Posts: Submit posts showcasing your expertise on DMAR’s award-winning site, which averages 26,000+ pageviews per month.
  • Sponsorship Opportunities: Choose from annual packages or one-time sponsorships at classes or events.
  • Sponsor Emails: Reach 15,000+ subscribers with a high 50% open rate.
  • Website Ads: Promote your business to 8,000+ Realtors® at a reasonable monthly rate.
  • Market Trends Reports: Access nationally recognized monthly reports.
  • Rental Space Discounts: Save on event, class and training space rentals.
  • Event Ticket Discounts: Enjoy reduced prices on tickets to DMAR events.
  • Downloadable Resources: Share valuable resources with clients to grow your business.
  • Political Advocacy: Benefit from efforts led by our full-time Government Affairs Director.
  • Healthcare Plans: Access affordable cost-sharing healthcare plans for you and your family.
Industry Partners dedicated to creating connections that elevate their business.
Realtor® members dedicated to creating connections that elevate their business.
Sponsorship opportunities throughout the year to help expand your network & grow your business.

New Member Checklist

  1. Create Your Profile: Set up your Industry Partner profile here. Realtors® and members use the Industry Partner Directory to find services in their area.
  2. Promote Yourself: Take advantage of sponsorship opportunities, web ads, sponsored emails and guest blogging to associate your business with a trusted industry leader. Contact Sarah Webber, DMAR's Director of Marketing & Communications, at swebber@dmarealtors.com for more information.
  3. Get Involved: Check the DMAR calendar for classes, events and meetings you can attend or sponsor. The more you participate, the more valuable your membership will be.

Join us and start growing your business today!

Your Guide to the Industry Partner Program

Join our vibrant, success-driven community and discover opportunities that will impact your business.