
Numerology for Real Estate Explained by Anita Rosenberg

Numbers, having associative and psychological effects, can influence human behavior. When house-hunting, many buyers will pay attention to the address to glean insights about the “energy” the home has. They may also be subconsciously drawn to certain numbers.

Last week, we heard from feng shui expert, Anita Rosenberg, who explained best practices for attracting positive energy in a home during a presentation hosted by our Young Professionals Network. In addition to feng shui practices, numerology was a key element of the presentation.

Numbers, having associative and psychological effects, can influence human behavior. When house-hunting, many buyers will pay attention to the address to glean insights about the “energy” the home has. They may also be subconsciously drawn to certain numbers. One way to arrive at a home’s numeric energy is to add up the individual numerals until you arrive at a single digit. Let’s take a building with the address 1358, for example.

1358 = 1 + 3 + 5 + 8 = 17

17= 1 + 7 = 8

The home’s number is 8.

A home may have a unit number as well as a building address. In this case, the unit number will focus on the energy of the individual space, while the building number will focus on the community’s energy. 

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Despite the number, you will, of course, want to sell to whoever wants to buy the house. This guide is just something to keep in mind to help you play up strengths and maximize your potential to attract the right kind of buyer. If you want to learn more about numerology, feng shui and metaphysics, visit Anita’s website here.

Be sure to attend our next YPN Connect event for more in-depth information on helpful and interesting topics like this. 


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