
Better Healthcare for Everyone

Lowering the cost of healthcare consistently ranks as one of the top issues for REALTORS®. For this reason, the Colorado Association of REALTORS® has worked to provide REALTOR® and Industry Partner members in Colorado access to an incredible healthcare solution with exceptional features for a cost significantly lower than purchasing traditional health insurance! 



Lowering the cost of healthcare consistently ranks as one of the top issues for REALTORS®. For this reason, the Colorado Association of REALTORS® has worked to provide REALTOR® and Industry Partner members in Colorado access to an incredible healthcare solution with exceptional features for a cost significantly lower than purchasing traditional health insurance! 

Above is a brand new 3-minute explainer video, which provides high-level details about the program. 

The features include:

  1. Monthly Cost 30 to 60% lower than traditional health insurance
  2. Free unlimited 24/7/365 access to doctors via phone or video conferencing
  3. No network restrictions
  4. All members who enroll are accepted
  5. Monthly enrollment (you don’t have to wait until the end of the year to start saving money)
  6. Prescription, dental and vision discount plans included

Please take the time to watch the video and share it with other members who may benefit from it.

If you have additional questions, please contact Steven Hart at 720-523-5524 or email