
Improved & Expanded Healthcare - Recorded Webinar | 4.16.20

On April 16th, 2020, we hosted a webinar to share information on the improvements and expansion of healthcare through DMAR. Watch it here. 

You've heard by now about the medical cost-sharing program offered through your DMAR membership. We're excited to announce you now have an option for traditional insurance, too! You can choose whichever plan makes more sense for you and your family. We're also excited to announce several meaningful changes to our cost-sharing option: 

  • The monthly cost has been reduced
  • Network restrictions have been lifted for all medical care
  • Telemedicine has been moved to a more robust system which allows for more personalized care from a physician
  • Dental and vision plans are now included
  • Telephone numbers for Sedera and Apex have been consolidated 

Open enrollment (usually November 1 – December 15) is now open again due to the complications COVID-19 has placed on all of us. 

The deadline for our new traditional insurance option is April 30th.