
Legal Update 2019 | Event Recap

In case you missed the Legal Update with Scott Peterson and Damian Cox, or if you missed anything in your note-taking efforts, here’s a brief recap of what was covered.

2018 Election Results | Presented by Elizabeth Peetz, CAR's VP of Government Affairs

  • This election cycle broke many barriers in Colorado.
    • First, record spending--all told over $200 Million was spent on statewide races, ballot initiatives and competitive state legislative seats.
    • Second, record turnout for a midterm election. In fact, Colorado was number two in the nation with 61.9% of registered voters casting ballots. And the unaffiliated voters and democratic women voters had a significant impact on the outcome on the election.
    • Third, diversity and new voices. The newly elected public officials will, for the first time, include a transgendered State representative, the first African American Congressman representing Colorado and an openly gay Governor. In addition, the legislature will have more female representation than ever before - 45% of the state legislative seats. Good to note… there will be a large learning curve in January with at least 28 new incoming state representatives and state senators.
    • Fourth, an interesting juxtaposition between candidates and issues. While the Democrats will have a safe majority in both the state senate and state house and the Governor's office, many observers will be watching how these public officials handle the intractable and complicated issues that were not resolved at the ballot box such as oil and gas operations and funding for transportation and education. Only time can tell whether or not these new Democrats will govern progressively or moderately.
  • As we prepare for a new legislative session we also anticipate a focus on housing issues. Some ideas that could get traction include:
    • an expansion of the first time home buyer savings account program for employers to offer to their employees as a benefit or match
    • creative ideas around incentives to increase supply of starter housing products
    • reducing regulatory barriers for builders and public private partnerships
    • exploration of allowing portability for downsizing in the homestead exemption program

If you remember nothing else before you hit the eggnog, remember to rest now because January 4th is the start of a long 120 days and observers see a lot of the emotion from November fueling energy and possibly angst into the marble floors of the Capitol very soon.


Legal Update | Presented by Scott Peterson, General Counsel for CAR, & Damian Cox, Attorney/Owner of Cox Law firm

  • National Risk Concerns:
    • Cyber security
    • Teams
    • Advertising/regulations
    • Property disclosures
    • “Coming-Soon” Listings
  • Top Colorado Concerns:
    • Personal property forms
    • Teams
    • Mistaken contract formation
    • Contract termination considerations
    • Real estate commission composition
    • Lockboxes
    • Anti-trust
    • “Coming-Soon” Listings