
DMAR Member Shares a REALTOR® Safety Warning

DMAR is dedicated to providing valuable content for its membership, especially regarding threats to REALTORⓇ safety. No one wants to imagine being the victim of a crime; however, the more you’re aware of dangerous situations occurring within the industry, the faster you’ll be able to spot red flags and protect yourself from harm. 

Please familiarize yourself with the following incident shared to us by a DMAR member. 

Surprise Visitor

The day after an inspection, an unknown man showed up to a listed home claiming he needed to obtain measurements in one of the bathrooms. No one from the seller's side arranged for anyone to come over that day. The man entered the home and began measuring the bathtub until one of the homeowners asked him to leave because his appointment was not authorized. Initially, the sellers thought the buyer arranged for him to take the measurements. They soon found out that the buyers had nothing to do with the man coming over. 


Be very cautious of criminals pretending to be inspectors, contractors, handymen/women, appraisers, etc. Always confirm every appointment before letting someone inside of a home you’re representing.