
Invest in RPAC to Win $1,500

Help us reach our 2020 RPAC goal and have a chance to win $1,500. By investing just $25 today, you will automatically be entered to win a $1,500 cash prize. Plus, you’ll receive additional entries for every $25 you invest (i.e. a $100 investment gets you four entries).

Why does RPAC matter?

  • RPAC keeps your business essential. Your RPAC investments helped protect consumers and their transactions as we were able to successfully advocate to keep real estate an essential service during Colorado’s stay-at-home order.
  • RPAC protects housing for all. Your RPAC investments will help us defeat anti-housing initiatives that are likely to appear on Colorado’s 2022 ballot.
  • RPAC protects property rights. Your RPAC investments help us defeat poorly crafted measures such as Denver’s Right to Survive initiative which would have allowed any individual to occupy public space (i.e. the sidewalk in front of your home) 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Can we count on you to help protect our industry by contributing today?

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