
How To Run a Real Estate Blog in 6 Easy Steps | Guest Post

By creating unique and engaging online content, you’ll hone your message and connect with your desired clientele. But, no one said that creating content is easy. Follow these steps to get your train on the right blogging track.

Ariel Irving

As a Denver real estate agent, you want to grow your sphere. You’d like for people to view you as the foremost expert in your field. You want online visibility.

How do you attain these “wants”? In an online universe where content is king, blogging has become a real estate agent’s most useful tool in online lead generation, expertise building, and industry visibility.

By creating unique and engaging online content, you’ll hone your message and connect with your desired clientele. But, no one said that creating content is easy. Follow these steps to get your train on the right blogging track.

Step 1 - Identify Your Audience

Before considering what you plan to write about, define who you’re trying to reach. Consider who you tend to connect with in real life: What are their interests and hobbies? What questions do they have about real estate? What do they value?

You’ll want to carve out your tribe - how can you connect with this group of people in a way that other real estate agents can’t? Perhaps you love to cook and have had clients who love to cook as well. Maybe you’re a recent empty nester who would like to help other empty nesters downsize. Or, you might have a strong background in construction, which can offer an expert angle for fixer-uppers.

Whatever your specifics, you’ll want to identify something in addition to basic real estate so that you can connect with your tribe via your new blog.

Use this persona template to identify your potential buyer specifics 

Step 2 - Content calendar

Using the “persona” you created to inspire blog topics, plan out the blogs you intend to cover. I suggest blogging weekly, but monthly will do. Research shows that those who set deadlines for projects like blogging are much more likely to complete the related task. Once you know what you’re writing about, everything else falls into place.

Download a free blogging calendar here.

Step 3 - The writing process

Writing is never easy, but creating a writing process for yourself can take a lot of guesswork out of the task. Plan the overarching points you’d like to make, write a draft, re-read and revise your draft, then revise it again!

a. Outline

Determine your main point and several supporting points before beginning your draft. This relieves the writing burden for many and keeps your blog from seeming to ramble.

b. Draft

Find a quiet space and a reasonable chunk of time to dedicate to actually writing your blog.

c. Revise

Read your blog out loud and pay close attention to spelling, grammar, and the flow of your writing.

d. Revise again

Take a little break, then revise again! If there’s another set of eyes at your disposal, ask for a second opinion.

Step 4 - Craft an Intriguing Title

Your title must be catchy! Think of your blog title as chum and your readers as sharks. Without a bit of blood, you might be left shark-less. A juicy title is composed of powerful, emotional, and unique words. Check how “clickable” your title is with this tool.

Step 5 - Select and Eye-Catching Image

If your blog title is chum to a shark, then your image is a sailor’s lighthouse. Thought provoking or beautiful images guide readers to your content and provide context for all those words you carefully crafted.

Step 6 - Get the word out

If no one knows your amazing blog exists, is it even amazing? When it comes to building your brand online, the answer is no. Make sure potential readers have the opportunity to read your blog by making it available to them. Link to each blog post on all of your social media platforms and email the link to your database.

With your blogging plan ready and a little typing elbow grease, your blog can create strong ties with readers, build lasting digital relationships, and organically improve your search engine rankings. So, all aboard the blogging train toward long-term growth of your real estate business!

This article courtesy of Ariel Irving, Content & Digital Marketing Manager at Live Urban Real Estate. The views, opinions and positions expressed within this guest post are those of the author alone and do not necessarily represent those of the Denver Metro Association of REALTORS®. The accuracy, completeness and validity of any statements made within this article are not guaranteed. We accept no liability for any errors, omissions or representations. The copyright of this content belongs to the author and any liability with regards to infringement of intellectual property rights remains with them.

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