
How to Make Meaningful Connections with REALTORSⓇ

In real estate, the size of your professional network and reputation mean literally everything. Your credibility among influencers can either propel your career or secure your ticket to nowhere. With so many people trying to “wow” one another, how do you stand out and establish meaningful, lasting connections with REALTORS®?

Between social media, email marketing, promotional videos, etc., REALTORS® are being pitched to all day long. So how do you deliver a personalized message your target will actually care about? The key is to balance your salesy approach. Here are some tips to do that:

Get personal. This sounds quite simple, but the execution takes some practice. 

  • Research the real estate niche of your prospects and make it the focal point of your messaging. 

  • Reach out for REALTOR®'s opinion on a hot topic to start a purposeful conversation. 

  • Directly ask what their current needs are. If their needs are elsewhere, offer up any of your connections that may be of help. 


"Directly ask what their current needs are." 


You’re an expert. Remember, whatever your profession may be, you are far more educated on the subject than most people. Use this to your advantage and create compelling content that connects what you know, with what 

REALTORSⓇ need to know. 

  • Is your industry pushing a new regulation that will affect real estate down the road? Share it with them!

  • Provide trade tips or helpful information through eye-catching infographics.

  • Ask if they allow guest blogging opportunities on their website and provide offices with powerful content without being salesy. 


The follow-through. Securing a client is just the beginning. Superb customer service will not only strengthen your reputation within the real estate community, but also encourage current clients to become advocates of your brand. Consumers are 92% more likely to trust their peers over advertising when it comes to purchasing decisions. 

  • Call them on the phone just to check in. No selling. Everyone emails, texts and tweets these days so use this opportunity to renew the lost art of a phone call. 

  • Give special recognition to your REALTORⓇ clients in your company's social media posts, or try sharing their content with your sphere. 

  • Respond quickly to their needs, especially at odd times. Offering your personal cell number shows how dedicated you are to the relationship. 

  • BONUS: Send referrals their way! If you know someone looking to buy or sell a home, make sure you're spreading the love by recommending your REALTORⓇ clients. 

Sources: LinkedIn PulseInc.