
DMAR Digest | Week of December 10

Check out the featured content, get the scoop with top news stories from the blog, mark your calendar for upcoming events & classes, and catch up with the most buzz-worthy social posts from your Association.


► Are you Committed To Excellence?
 Introducing Commitment to Excellence (C2EX). This online self-assessment is easy to use, eye-opening and included in your membership! Read more



► 12/12/18 | YPN Connect: 2019 Business Planning Workshop

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." And as we prepare to head into a new year, this is the perfect time to revisit, update or even create your business plan. In this one-hour workshop with Eric Sachs, President and Co-founder of Breakthroughbroker.com, you’ll learn how to create your own business plan that will help you identify what you need to do in order to make the money you want to make. This is a must-see presentation for all you self-employed brokers! Read More

► 12/13/18 | Holiday Breakfast Potluck Hosted by the Central District

Join us for a holiday potluck breakfast with a festive twist. Bring a dish, donate any amount of your choice and enter your name into a drawing. Three names will be drawn and the money collected will be split three ways to benefit the winners’ charities of choice. Read More

► 12/18/18 | Toys for Tots Charity Drive Hosted by the South/East District

Since 1947, the United States Marine Corps Reserve has made it their tradition to collect unopened toys for parents struggling to afford gifts for their children. DMAR hopes to make an impactful contribution to this mission so we hope you'll join the effort. Read More

► 1/09/19 | YPN Connect: Understanding Title Insurance

For homebuyers, title insurance is one of the more confusing topics in an already stressful situation. The better you understand it, the better to you can educate your clients and make the whole process that much smoother. Read More

 1/10/19 | Economic Summit 2019 

DMAR's annual Economic Summit highlights local, state and national financial & economic trends. Our speakers include Elliot Eisenberg, Patty Silverstein, Danielle Hale and Jill Schafer. Read More


 December Mortgage Trends Insight | Guest Post

It’s a win-win for buyers and sellers this season! Read more

 [INFOGRAPHIC] Market Trends Overview | DEC. '18

Download the December Market Trends Report infographic. This is a great resource to share with your clients and colleagues on social media, your website or via email or even print! Read more

► Real Trends December Newsletter | compliments of DMAR

The monthly REAL Trends newsletter features commentary from Steve Murray on the state of real estate and forward-thinking articles from guest contributors such as Larry Kendall of Ninja Selling and... Read more

 DMAR Real Estate Market Trends Report | DEC. '18

Housing inventory in the Denver area is up nearly 47 percent year to date compared to last year, but sales are down. Read more