
Discover Your Personality Type | MBTI and KTS

By understanding the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Keirsey Temperament Sorter, you can better understand yourself, your preferences and your areas of strength. 

At our last YPN Connect presentation Sean Moudry, MBTI certified career coach and top-performing real estate agent helped us glean insight about individual personality preferences using the Myers-Brigs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS). Professional analysis and coaching is a paid service, but you can introspect your way to some valuable basic insights if you know how the classification system works.

The MBTI matrix works by asking your preferences in four categories. Using the combined information, you will end up with one of 16 four-letter combinations. The categories are as follows:

Extrovert (E) vs. Introvert (I):
This signifies the way you direct and receive energy. An extrovert more readily engages outwardly and is energized by social interaction. An introvert is keener on directing their attention inward to their own mind and is more reserved in social situations. You might ask yourself: “After a long work week, do I recharge by going out with friends (E) or with me-time (I)?”

Sensory (S) vs. Intuition (N):
This signifies how you absorb information. A sensory person will prefer to rely on concrete, tangible understanding, typically using what they can know with their five senses. An intuitive person will rely on their abstract understanding of the big picture and focus their attention on observable patterns and interactions. You might ask yourself: “Do I prefer what's tried-and-true (S) or would I rather experiment with new possibilities (N)?”

Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F):
This signifies your tendencies in decision making. A thinking individual will focus their considerations on what is most logical to them, aiming for objective truth and accuracy. A feeling individual will place more weight on their social and personal values, aiming for harmony and understanding. You might ask yourself: “Do I tend to follow what sounds right (T) or what feels right (F) when I am unsure of the best choice?”

Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P):
This signifies your preferred approach to tasks. A judging person prefers an organized and planned course of action and makes decisions early on. A perceiving person values flexibility and adaptivity, and will tend to wait on making final decisions until more information is revealed. You might ask yourself: “Would I rather have an optimized itinerary for my vacation (J) or a more relaxed, spontaneous adventure (P)?”

Combining the four letters that you identify with most, you’ll get your personal MBTI matrix (e.g. ENFJ). You can use this to search for specific analyses and insights on this type of person. However, 16 personalities can be overwhelming and overly specific, especially for beginners. This is why KTS was created. This adaptation uses the same system for identification, but groups these 16 matrices into four broader categories. Keirsey personality types are organized as follows:

NF: Sages (or Idealists)
Sages live to inspire and have diplomatic talents. They are understanding and thrive working with people. They seek harmony and value virtue. They most fear lack of impact.
Sages include: INFJs, INFPs, ENFPs and ENFJs
Example: Ellen DeGeneres

NT: Generals (or Rationals)
Generals live to accomplish and have strategic talents. They are calculated and thrive working in leadership roles. They seek knowledge and value achievement. They most fear lack of progress.
Generals include: INTJs, INTPs, ENTPs and ENTJs
Example: Elon Musk

SJ: Heroes (or Guardians)
Heroes live to uphold and have logistic talents. They are pragmatic and thrive working structurally. They seek continuity and value efficiency. They most fear disorder and disruption.
Heroes include: ISTJs, ISFJs, ESTJs and ESFJs
Example: Judge Judy

SP: Artists (or Artisans)
Artists live to experience and have tactical talents. They are present-oriented and thrive working in specialized roles. They seek action and value adaptability. They most fear overwhelming commitment and structure.
Artists include: ISTPs, ISFPs, ESTPs and ESFPs
Example: Scarlett Johansson

If you’d like to take the official test and learn how to leverage your strengths specifically in the real estate industry, you can contact our speaker, Sean Moudry, at sean@resultsnowcoaching.com or 303-301-0400.

In the future, be sure to attend our YPN Connects for more in-depth information on topics like this. 


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