
Conversations Win Clients (5 Tips + Graphic)

Valentine's Day is Friday, and it's another opportunity to show someone all the reasons to love working with a REALTOR®. But you’ve got to take the lead to get leads. Top performers aren't the wallflowers of the dance, they put themselves out there any chance they get.

In order to help get off the wall and get the conversation rolling, we made you a Valentine’s Day graphic to share on social media (see below).

…but first, take a look at our top five tips to building leads through conversation:

Be genuine. The best way to build trust is to be yourself. Don’t put on a face to fool someone, attract others with your truest energy.

Be friendly. Building rapport on a personal level before you jump into sales mode is important. People want an agent they can trust, and they won’t trust someone they haven’t gotten a chance to get to know.  Don’t rush this step.

Be generous. People like people who give them something; it’s a basic rule of persuasion. Even a small gesture can go a long way. Whether you’re offering a small token of appreciation or some expert advice, make sure you’re demonstrating a willingness to share.

Be interested. Show you are a good listener by asking follow up questions. Remember things they mention and repeat them back. Again, genuine interest is key, and not something you can fake.

Be active. There are over two million real estate agents in the U.S. If you’re waiting to be approached, your odds aren’t great; if you’re connecting with strangers on a regular basis, you’re suddenly top of mind for a lot of people.

That’s it! Don’t forget to download your social media graphic:

Download Graphic