
Construction Defects Update with Tom Clark [VIDEO]

Key Topics Covered

  • HOA (Homeownership Opportunity Alliance)
  • Affordable housing
  • Condo construction in metro Denver and potential litigation disputes
  • Senate Bill 177
  • Construction defects

Watch the presentation here:


Watch the Q&A's here:



About the speaker

Tom Clark
Chief Executive Officer, Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation
Executive Vice President, Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce

Tom Clark has more than 30 years of economic development experience at the state, regional, county and city levels. Tom's career spans four decades from Director of Commercial and Industrial Development for the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, through positions with the Fort Collins, Colorado Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Denver Corporation, the Boulder Chamber of Commerce, the Jefferson Economic Council, and the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce.

He holds bachelors degrees in speech and psychology from Minnesota State University and a Masters in Public Administration from the University of Illinois. Tom was the founder and first president of the Metro Denver Network, the Metro Denver region's first economic development program, for which he received the Arthur D. Little Award for Excellence in Economic Development. He was chosen as one of the nation's top economic development professionals by the Council on Urban Economic Development.