
Committee Chair Spotlight: Sahsha Graves

Meet Sahsha Graves, Chairwoman of the Industry Partner Council. Sahsha is driven, outgoing and has a serious knack for networking. She is a major advocate for DMAR's Industry Partners and helping them identify the synergy between their business and a REALTOR'S® success. 

Industry Partner Council

Chairwoman: Sahsha Graves, Chicago Title 

Tell us about your experience in the real estate industry. 

I have been with Chicago Title for almost five years. I love what I do and have learned a lot from the amazing agents that I work with. My favorite part of my job is becoming a part of the agents’ team and finding out where I can add value to their business. Ultimately, I help them earn more money by working smarter not harder!

Describe your role as the Industry Partner Council Chairwoman.

As the Industry Partner Council Chair, it is very important to me that DMAR's Industry Partners feel valued by the REALTORS®. As a committee, we focus on growing and learning new ways we can grow our sphere and client base. Our Industry Partners collaborate, brainstorm and share best practices on what has helped them gain more business. As a committee, we are very supported by DMAR and tremendously grateful for that. 

Why did you choose to be a part of this committee? 

I chose this committee because it is important to me to give back. Not all Industry Partners know how to market themselves, and I believe that all of us coming together to talk about “best practices” helps a great deal. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel! I also chose this committee because it helps me raise awareness for the things that are important to our REALTORS®.

What is your favorite professional quote? 

“You can have results or you can have excuses – but you can’t have both!”