
Best Type of Home to Buy Your Kid in Building Wealth | Guest Post

Nicole Rueth

In this video (part 5 of the series), we talk about being smart when choosing a home. Know the strengths and limitations of each product type (i.e. condo, town home, single family). Each product type of home has pros and con that will affect how a young adult might use the property. Just like you have special considerations for a home you would buy for yourself, you’ll want to think through requirements and ideal situations for a home to purchase for your child. 

In honor of a new school year, and having just helped her 20-year-old son purchase his first home, Nicole Rueth wanted to share a few thoughts on a topic that is very near to her heart: helping educate kids in homeownership. As professionals in real estate, we all know the power of homeownership to build wealth and long term success. But, how many of our clients know and understand this? 

We discovered that many of our clients don’t even think about preparing their children for homeownership and building long term financial health.  That’s why we created our latest series of videos to help touch on these key points, and it’s rather fitting as we all head ‘back-to-school’ this season!  

Video 5 (above) wraps up the series! If you missed the first 4, here they are:

  1. Help Your Kids Build Credit Today!
  2. How can I help my kid buy a home? (even before they graduate)
  3. Lessons to teach when helping your kid get a home
  4. What's the cost of buying a home?

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