RPAC helps realtors

5 Ways RPAC Helped Realtors® Before, During and After the Pandemic

Here are five ways RPAC helped Realtors® before, during and after the pandemic.

Kept your business essential.

If it were not for RPAC, Realtors® would not have been considered essential and would have had to stop working during much of the pandemic. Thanks to our long-term relationships and lobbying efforts, the initial omission of real estate professionals from the stay-at-home order was quickly corrected. In other words, if you worked in 2020, thank RPAC!

Anti-growth & anti-housing initiatives.

DMAR has worked with its partners at the Colorado Association of Realtors® to fend off anti-growth and anti-housing initiatives intended to limit new residential construction, thus making housing more expensive for all.

Long-term rental inspection programs.

DMAR fought a Denver proposal requiring all landlords to register and obtain a third-party inspection for their long-term rentals (30 days or more). If it weren’t for DMAR, the program easily could have required annual registration and inspections costing landlords hundreds if not thousands. Instead, because of our advocacy efforts, registration and inspections are required every four years.

Hostile landmark designations.

DMAR has and will continue to support property owners facing hostile landmark designations against their consent. Furthermore, DMAR has been working closely with several Denver City Councilmembers to “raise the bar” on hostile landmark designations, thus requiring a supermajority of councilmembers to designate a property against someone’s consent instead of the seven votes that are currently required.

Taxes on real estate.

DMAR continues to oppose any taxes or fees on the real estate industry. This includes successfully pushing back on a special interest group that was looking to put a heat and electricity tax on Denver’s November 2021 ballot.

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