
Educating Clients on Their Options | Guest Post

Nicole Rueth

Do your clients know the cost of waiting?  Do they know what they are missing out on? Do they know what they could be building for themselves? These are all questions you should be thinking through and asking yourself as you consider your client base. Some people are simply not ready to buy a home, but many people actually are able to purchase a property and are holding back for some reason. It is our job to educate our clients to be the best possible consumer and make wise decisions.

Renting Vs. Buying

Talk to your clients about the cost of renting compared to buying a property. Rent in Denver is high and many times it ends up being cheaper or comparable to buy a home instead.  The problem is that many people don’t understand the numbers of renting compared to buying. Remember that we live in this world day to day and our clients don’t, so it’s our job to make sure they know the basics of these numbers!


Clients need to know that appreciation is still healthy in Denver and that they could be building equity in a home and making their investment do something for them. Help your clients understand what appreciation looks like in Denver and how that might benefit them.

Cost of Waiting

Do your clients need a money breakdown of what it could cost them to wait? We run these numbers for clients all day long and are happy to help you and your clients out with any rough calculations to see what their personal situation looks like. 

Ultimately, we have a job to educate our clients. We are the experts who know the ins and outs of all this real estate jargon and what the numbers mean in real life.  We have an opportunity to help our clients build wealth and help them find their dream home. What could be better than that?!

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